Markel Corporation

Supporting the launch of a major US insurance brand into the UK

An expanding business that needed a reliable digital partner 

US Fortune 500 insurance giant Markel specialise in commercial and tax-related insurance products and consultancy services. 

As part of its expansion into the UK and Europe, the company made several strategic acquisitions, creating challenges relating to brand and technical consistency across the group. 

Websites and digital platforms are vital to support the delivery of their products and services to their partner network who refer their products. 

The marketing and IT teams needed a reliable partner to consolidate its portfolio of websites and digital products.

8 years

Moving to a single digital platform  

An immediate goal was to standardise the web technology across the group to simplify digital management and reduce costs. We used Kentico multi-site to achieve this and created a digital style guide that would define the Markel brand.  
With Kentico in place, we commenced the build of the new corporate website that would formally launch the Markel brand in the UK.   

Improving the delivery of services to brokers   

We implemented two systems that improved the service delivery for Markel business partners: 
Insurance claims management: We developed a portal so brokers can submit claims against their schemes online, reducing the overhead for Markel call centre staff.  
Insurance policy renewal and payment: We helped Markel streamline this process using a ‘white label’ payment portal enabling Markel to create microsites for their partners, through which their customers could make insurance renewal payments. 

Strengthening customer relationships 

Specialist insurance brokers and accountants play a vital role in delivering inquiries and repeat sales of Markel insurance products and consultancy services. 
We worked with Markel to design and build a series of portals so their partners could create and deliver marketing campaigns, combining market insights and content while positioning Markel products to their customer base.  

Business outcomes   

Over eight years we worked closely with Markels digital teams to:

  • Create digital products to support the marketing of insurance products to its broker network
  • Consolidate content and launch new branded websites for key business divisions
  • Develop online processes for insurance claims and policy renewals
  • Provide secure hosting and PEN testing 
  • Provide our 24/7 support service

Let’s move you forward

Are your digital experiences holding you back in some way, or do you need to propel the business forward, quickly?

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